Sara and I stretching with the help of tall and sturdy Caleb.
At the start. Aren't dad's fun?
And, we're off!
This was my first run since the Vineman Showdown a few weeks ago. For most of the event we ran for 1 minute and walked for a minute. Dad and Cabe can walk as fast as I jog.
Beautiful views!
Our shirts got a lot of comments. :-) "Go Team Johnson!" "I love your shirts!" They were a big hit. But its time for some short sleeve Team Johnson shirts for the summer.
More views and Team Johnson.
For the last half mile Caleb used his long stride and broke away to the finish. Sara tried to catch up with him and finished a few minutes later. Dad and I stuck together and ran in together.
Sara's big finish!
Dad and I coming in. It's doesn't look like it, but we are running. Good job on the running Dad!! We finished in 47:26, meeting Dad's goal of under an hour.
I can't believe that I am about to type this, but I think I'm getting the hang of this running thing. I'm ready to work up to running for an entire 5K. Wait, who typed that?
We had a great time and loved the location and are toying with the idea of doing the marathon relay. We will see what the year holds . . .
Great job!!! Sounds like you had fun with it - I bet you never expected to have "fun" with the running thing!
Oh! Running is so fun. You'll better try it Molly. Especially the Marathon 5k. :D
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