Four mile run!!
I ran four miles in 57:27. Under an hour! This is huge for me. I have never run that far before. Ever. And, it kinda felt good. I was able to stay in my preferred heartrate and and I was less aware of gavity. Things seem to jiggle a little less. I decided to use the LGCT so I wouldn't have to deal with cars and I'm familiar with the landmarks and the distances. And, I managed to remember both my ipod and the earphones this time.
Mile 1: I know this part of the trail pretty well and started out a little slow to warm up. I even managed to do something that resembles running up the steep hill.
Mile 2: Walked the first minute. That was the deal I made with myself, I could walk for one minute after each mile. Started running by the dog park and was amused at some of the not-well-behaved dogs heading for the park. Then I was annoyed by some kids on bikes annoying be by starting and stopping a few times and getting in my way. Just before I got to the curvy part, finally, it was time to turn around.
Mile 3: Walked the first minute. I kept telling myself that I was have way there and that it was down hill from there. And, it is kinda downhill since I was running along a creek and going with the flow of the water. There was an interesting sight of a woman, who I can only describe as a Real-Housewife-of-Silicon-Valley, riding a bike with her family wearing a black and shiny gold jacket, perfectly done hair, and big gold hoop earrings.
Mile 4: Only 1 mile left! I was almost done. I experimented with "chasing down" people. I saw a couple walking two dogs ahead of me and focused on passing them. I wasn't too hard since they were walking and I was running. Then I saw a guy walking a golden retriever and passed him. Woot! Ahead I noticed people looking at something in the creek. There was a big vulture, or as my dad calls them buzzard, sitting in a tree. They are big. Another few minutes and I was done! Yes!
I still need to work on keeping my head up. Chasing down people helped with that. I tried out my new "toe socks" to help with rubbing between two toes and they worked!

Weekly Totals
Miles - 11.74
Time - 2:48:43
Avg. Pace - 14:22
Totally awesome, Melissa! So proud. Good for you. You're doing great and are going to kill that 10k =). And I am quite impressed you stayed in your HR zones (I still can't do that without walking)...
Way to go!!! You are going to be so ready in 5 weeks - lots of time to get even stronger!!!
And I'm so glad you like the socks - I love Injinjis!
GOOD for you is right! I saw your link on Jenn's blog.
And, I love the Injinti socks too!
:) good luck in your 10k!
Wow, the famous Jen Harrison commented on my blog! Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
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