Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Travel List

A few days ago I celebrated 10 years at my job. The perk of 10 years is four weeks vacation. Woot woot!! Last year I started my travel wishlist. Here is the start . . .

United States
  • Maui, Hawaii - Check, going in May!
  • New York City - plays, museums, and fashion stuff
  • The Four Corners - maybe this fall. I have to go to Arizona in November anyway.
  • Yellowstone in the fall - friends shared some amazing pics of wildlife at that time of year.
  • The Middle - my buddy Jessica says I need to visit her in the Middle
  • Alaska
  • Kaui, Hawaii
  • Mexico - revisit Tulum and visit Teotihuacan
  • France
  • Italy - Venice, Florence
Thinking about but not on The List yet
  • Cruise in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Safari in Africa
I guess it's time to start saving. ;-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Adventures in Healthy Cooking - A List

Farmer's Market - Next week bring more cash, $30 wasn't enough. Was I ripped off by $12 for yams and sweet potatoes? The more I go the more savvy I will be. Right?

Trader Joe's - I got a lot of stuff there from my Whole Food's list.

Reading Comprehension - I need to re-read my recipes and shopping list. Prunes are not dates and fennel seed is not flax seed.

Magic Mineral Broth - Makes a ton!! Next time make a half batch. Anyone need some broth?

$$$$ - It's pricey. But hopefully with planning I can make smart choices. This week I made the broth and that was a lot of stuff.

Dishes - It makes a lot of dishes! Especially when you make three in one afternoon.

Time - I spent most of Sunday shopping and cooking.

What is going on? Well, as a wise friend told me (and many books and articles too) one thing I can do to prevent a recurrence is give my body cancer fighting tools, aka excellent nutrition.

The next thing I need to conquer is sugar. Is there an app for that?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monthly Hair Pic

I've been brave enough to pop into a few stores with my chic new hair.

I caught a few people looking at me but it's because my hair is so rockin'. Right?

And, my attempt at a cutie-pie pic. Self portraits are challenging!

We'll check out the progress in 30 days.