Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ride to Gilroy? And, back?

Okay, I guess so. My crazy-awesome friend Molly is training for Ironman Arizona and I decided to join her for part of one of her training rides. The part I was going to do was flat so I thought I might not fall too far behind. But just in case I brought Amy, a swimming buddy, along with me. The plan was to meet in south San Jose, ride through Morgan Hill and San Martin, into Gilroy and back. We left at 7am when it was 50 degrees out. Ummm . . . yeah. I don't have any cold weather riding clothes.

X-mas List:
  • one of those really light weight wind-breakers that can fit in a bike jersey pocket
  • leg warmers
  • gloves
  • toe covers
  • long sleeve, warmish jersey
Anyway, I braved the cold in my shorts, running jacket, arm warmers, & running gloves. It worked. My legs were numb after about 5 miles. Just as we passed the sign "Welcome to Morgan Hill" my front tire felt a little squishy, I looked down and yep I was getting a flat tire. :-( Amy and I pulled off on the sidewalk of a little sub-division to take care of the problem. I knew Molly had a big training day ahead of her so I texted her to keep going. Once I got my super tight tire off, it turns out a teeny-tiny thorn caused the flat. Amy and I had to struggle through my super tight tires twice. We think the CO2 cartridge blew out the first tube. Great, I left my second tube back in the car. Luckily, Amy had a tube. Fingers crossed that we wouldn't need another tube! After about a half hour we were back on the road to Morgan Hill.

Morgan Hill was a little trip down memory lane. We passed the duplexes where we lived when I was a baby & toddler, the park where we had fun 4th of July parties, the site of the first Nob Hill Foods, and the school Dad taught at for 30 years. We headed east and Amy and I had a great time riding through rural areas. There was very little traffic so we were able to ride side by side and make snarky comments about the giant McMansions out in the middle of no where.

When we got to Leavesley Road in Gilroy we decided to make a slight change to the route. We stopped for a potty break, had and exciting sprint at the intersection with 101, and rode through Gilroy to Santa Teresa Ave. (Road?) By the time we go back to the edge of Morgan Hill both Amy and my butts were done with the ride. Too bad we still had another 10 miles to go. I got a text from Molly saying they were back at the cars and were heading out for the first of the hilly loops. Amy and I continued on and on and on. We finally made it back to the cars and Molly's husband was there waiting for Molly and Nigel to get back. They showed up about 10 minutes after we did. Amy and I were done! Molly and the guys had more work ahead of them.

Amy invited me back to her place for brunch. Score! We got there and her husband had made an egg, zucchini, mint, & parmesan cheese thing and had fruit all ready for us. And, coffee! It was so nice. Especially, since I didn't have much at home.

Sore butt, tired legs, 40 miles in 3:18 = a well deserved nap and a day of vegging out.


Molly said...

Great job!!! So sorry we didn't get to ride together much (OK, at all?). That's one of my favorite rides, because even though the part on Hale sucks, the farmland parts out in Morgan Hill/San Martin/Gilroy are so quiet and pretty.

Jill said...

ooh! If you do this ride again, let me know. I love riding through Morgan Hill!

melissa said...

We could lead Jill and Melissa's Tour de Morgan Hill. ;-)

Jill said...

I like it! Lets start in November!