Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Trying to get back in the groove

Work has been getting in the way, but I'm trying to keep things together.

Today, I was really feeling my lack of swimming. Between being sick and the pool closing, I've swam about once a week. This morning my arms just weren't willing to work. I stopped at one point to take a little break. My coach came over and I told him, "I'm outta shape." His response? "What are you talking about? You aren't even breathing hard." :-D

Today's Workout - 100s Day

30, 30, 20s
10 x 50s kick on :55 (geez, these just don't get easier.)
10 x 100 pull on 1:40
6 x 100 IM (these weren't as bad as I thought they would be.

Yardage: 2400 - I had to get out early and get my work done.

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