Sunday, August 23, 2009

The slope really IS slippery

It has been three weeks since the Vineman 1/2 AquaBike and my training schedule is non-existent. One week of recovery is normal. Two is acceptable. But three? Time to put down the remote and leave the house.

Not that I have been completely sedentary. I've been swimming, working out with Team Mermaid, run/walking in the mornings, and a few big hikes. It's the weeknight rides and bricks that have disappeared. It's time to my butt back in the saddle. Literally.

I'll be back with updates.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Good that you've gotten some non-training time in though - you were really ready for that after all the hard work you put in leading up to the race.

So what now?! Do I start scheduling you to ride alongside me and laugh on my long runs? ;p