Thursday, November 20, 2008

bad blogger

Where have I been? Sick. And, somewhat annoyed. First, I had a cold which got better after a week, but slowed down the running workouts. Then, I had a very uncomfortable tummy. Now that my tummy is better my cold has returned in the form of a nice deep cough.

Sigh. Well, I guess its better to be sick now in the off-season then when I've trained for and spent money on triathlons this summer.

So, that is where the bad blogger has been.

Next week is the Turkey Trot. I'm not as far along in preparing as I hoped I would be. So, I will have to settle for 1.5 minutes running and 2 minutes walking. However, I've got to remember that I wouldn't have even thought of doing it last year. So, 1.5 minutes is progress.


Molly said...

Speaking of cough, I sound like I smoke a pack a day right now - the lingering effects of my cold. Nice.

Jill said...

Gina F. and Wilma and I are doing the turkey trot as well--maybe see ya there?