Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thoughts on running

Now, I had these great thoughts on Monday, we will see if I can remember them all. As I began week 2 of the Couch to 5k plan (20 minutes: run for 90 seconds and walk for 120 seconds) I was trying to figure out why running isn't like swimming. Well, other than the obvious one is in the water and one is on land, one uses legs and one uses arms. When I swim I feel good: graceful, fast, and efficient. When I run I feel awkward: heavy, plodding, out of breath. Not to say that I'm not out of breath when I swim for some reason it is different. I want to feel good when I run. What does it take? Practice? Losing weight? Stronger legs? Will running ever feel good? I have to admit that the first 90 second run feels okay. I feel strong but not graceful. I see that next Friday (if I kick this cold quickly) I will be increasing to 3 minutes. 3 minutes? Me? Run for 3 minutes? I'll believe when I see it. I do admit that I would like to be run for 5 minutes at a time at the Turkey Trot on the 27th. I will feel really great if I can do that.

One of the most entertaining this about running is all of the crap I have with me. I'm sure some people simply put on a shirts, pants, shoes, and head out on a run. Not me. I wrestle the girls into an uber-sports bra, put on a heart-rate monitor, belt with a leash on it, watch, gloves, keys, ipod (if PW isn't running with me), and, oh yeah, the dog. That is a lot to remember at 5:50am.

Hopefully, I will report more on running on Monday. I'm trying to sleep out this cold. It worked once a few years ago, worth a try.


Molly said...

You and I should find some way to share our powers :) I feel like a gazelle when I run - smooth, swift and loose. I feel heavy, dragging and out of breath when I swim.

Let's hope that with commitment and effort, we both improve our weak areas!

Michael Sick said...


I hope that you are hot at 50 and 60 as well for starters. Here's a unique twist on swimmming - underwater hockey - check out this video: