Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm "It".

As in, "tag you're it!" courtesy of Molly.

8 things to which I'm looking forward

1. Tri relay at Uvas Sprint Tri.
2. Serving as Deputy Commissioner at K & H's wedding.
3. Good friends moving closer.
4. 50K Tour de Cure with the Red Hot Johnsons.
5. A big Mermaid weekend at Vineman for Barb's Race & AquaBike.
6. The economy turning around.
7. 2.4 mile swim in September.
8. Smashing last year's time at the Santa Cruz Mermaid Tri.

8 things I did yesterday

1. I ran (not wogged, not wun) 4 x 800!!!!
2. A really hard IM set.
3. Realized that I really do want all workouts to be easy.
4. Tried to restock the fridge with healthy food.
5. Blogged.
6. Played with Jemma.
7. Suffered through 3 hours of the Biggest Loser finale.
8. Fell asleep while re-reading a romance novel.
(fun day, huh?)

8 things I would like to do

1. Go on vacation. Hawaii, Italy, Mexico, France, NYC, Disneyland . . . I really don't care, as long as it is away.
2. Have a weekend with absolutely nothing to do. No training. No cleaning. No cooking. No laundry. Nothing!
3. Complete an Olympic distance triathlon.
4. Reach my weight goal.
5. Have a job that is only two jobs, not four.
6. Live closer to my bff, Heather.
7. Be independently and anonymously wealthy.
8. Have a elf that will clean my apartment.

8 shows I watch

1. Lost
2. Law & Order: SVU
3. Chuck
4. Bones
5. Grey's Anatomy
6. Ugly Betty
7. How I Met Your Mother
8. Doctor Who (when its on)

People I tag

If you are reading this you are it!

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