Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last Chance Tuesday

Tuesday is double workout day. And, what workouts I had today.

Master's Swimming main set:

200 IM (2 lengths of each fly, back, breast, free)
150 fly (!)
100 back
50 breast
25 free

200 IM
150 back
100 breast
50 free
25 fly

200 IM
150 breast (ugh)
100 free
50 fly
25 back

200 IM
150 free
100 fly (yeah, right)
50 back
25 free

That's 2100 yards of IM work! What the heck was that?! I had trouble holding the hair dryer up to dry my hair.

Team Mermaid workout:

I received this email from the TeamMermaid coach, "At the track. Running gear and whatever nutrition you think you are using for your race (gu, gatorade whatever it is..)" She's never had us deal with nutrition before a workout, that concerned me.

I was right.

Warm up: 100 at 7 (a good pace), 100 easy, 200 @ 7, 100 easy, 300 @ 7, 100 easy, 200 @ 7, 100 easy.

Main set: 4 x 800 with a rest in between. Me? Run an 800? Run four of them? Coach H said, "yes, you can run the whole thing." Okay, if H says so, I can do it.

I did it! Tonight I ran further than I have ever run before, 2+ miles. As I finished the first 800 H checked in with me and said something that turned on a light bulb, "these shouldn't be easy." I confess, I want all of my workouts to be easy. I persevered and made it through all four. They weren't easy, but they weren't horrible either. It looks like I might be able to do the run part of the Santa Cruz Mermaid in September.

1 comment:

blondeez said...

If only it were always easy! But you did it!! And you sound more excited than exhausted, which is amazing and a very good thing!