Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gettin' back in the grove . . .

Yesterday was my first day back in the pool. It took me awhile to pack up all my pool toys and remember what I would need to get ready for work. It was very early and dark when the alarm went off at 5:07 am. But I got out of my warm bed and made it to the pool. The water felt so good when I in, it was warm but not too warm. I started to warm up and was relieved that I still remembered how to swim. After two laps I was out of breath. Wow, two months off and out of breath after a 50? They were supposed to kick 8 x 100 IMs. Ha, ha. I just tried to stay out the way while I tried to kick the stiffness out of my legs and stretch out my calves. Next up was 16 x 100s on 1:40. I did o.k. but still tried to stay out of the way. I was shocked at how sore my shoulders were after just a few 100s. After about 50 minutes and I was done with my reintroduction to swimming. It was great to be back in the water!!

Today was a rest day but I still have to walk the dog. After two days of running and one day of swimming my calves and hamstrings were really tight. Hello, stretching, foam roller, and ice packs! I really haven't missed you. Icing in the winter isn't all that much fun.

Well, that's it for now. An, exciting reintroduction to activity.

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