Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More running than walking . . .

Yes, that right, I typed the dreaded "r" word. For some unknown reason I decided that I could do a 10K. Why? Whose bright idea was this? Oh, right, mine. Why don't I think these things through. A 10K is 6.2 miles. 6.2 miles! sigh.

So, now that I've told people that I'm doing it and talked people into doing the 5K, I should really start training.

This morning, for the first time, I ran more than I walked. Here was the routine:
  • 5 min warm up
  • run 1:30, walk 1:30
  • run 3:00, walk 2:00 (was supposed to be 3:00, but I felt ready after 2)
  • run 1:30, walk 1:30
  • run 3:00, walk 2:00
  • run 1:30, walk 1:30
  • run 3:30
  • 10 min warm down
Woot! (Wait, is that excitement about running?) My goal for the 10K is to run 5:00 and walk 2:00. Based on this morning, I think it is possible. Prepare yourself, there will be a lot of running talk until March 22nd.

But as always, I'd rather be swimming.


Molly said...

I am so proud of you for tackling the running!!! It's going to be a FUN year! We'll get you all ready on the bike and run :) And thanks for the swim draft today, when I could cling to it!

blondeez said...

Woohoo! You're going to be great by March--you'll kill the 5/2 ratio for sure.