Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Update

Saturday Swim:
First of all, getting up at 6am on a Saturday is insane. Why do I do it? I wish I knew. I think its the whole getting the most bang for your buck thing. Anyway, I think our swim coach is reading a new book, "How to Torture Your Masters Group." Also, he's messing with our heads, no 30, 30, 20s.
10 x 50 on :55
8 x 75 on some interval; IM rotation
10 x 50 streamline kick on :60
8 x 200 drill on some interval (WTF?!)
  1. side to side
  2. one arm: 100 left, 100 right
  3. shark kick
  4. rowdy
  5. catch-up
  6. choice: breathing - 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 7, 5, 3
  7. zipper
  8. choice: breathing - 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 7, 5, 3
I have never, ever done a drill set like that. I don't even remember doing drills for more than 100 yards. What I don't understand is why drills are so tiring? It's not think we were swimming fast. But we were doing a lot of rotating.

Sunday Couch to 5K:
It was Week 1, Day 2 of my attempt at running. So far, so good. I didn't feel like dying and my knee didn't start to hurt until the last 1 minute of running. 20 minutes of icing afterwards and my knee feels pretty good.

Getting ready to run is pretty hilarious. Clothes: dark blue pants, yellow shirt, teal & black jacket, white & red shoes. All I needed was some pink and purple. Stuff: heart rate monitor & ipod. Dog stuff: belt to attach leash to me, clean-up bags, & dog. Oh, and keys. Could I carry more stuff?

Running with a spaz-dog: Jemma has issues with squirrels. I try to run just a little before sunrise because the squirrels generally don't scurry around until the sun is up. Today a few were up a little early. I did my 5 minute warm-up and then stopped to stretch. Unfortunately, I stopped under the squirrel telephone line freeway. Jemma started jumping and whining and barking. I'm sure the neighbors loved that at 7:15am on a Sunday. I skipped the calf stretches and got moving. Jemma doesn't quite appreciate running, it doesn't allow her to do much smelling, marking, and squirrel hunting. This is something we need to work on because she frequently ends up tangled in her leash. And, to make things even more fun, this morning she managed to go #2 twice. Running while hold a stinky bag is not all that fun. Luckily, I found two house who keep their trash cans in the driveway. :-)

Aren't you glad you read this today? Tomorrow? REST DAY!

1 comment:

Molly said...

LOL I was just going to write a post about how 6am Saturday masters is all kinds of WRONG!