Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday at 6am?

Once again I hauled my butt out of my nice warm bed at 5:35 am. (The first alarm goes off at 5:14 but I hit the snooze every 7 minutes until its really time to get up.) Why do I do this? Especially on a Saturday? Shouldn't I be trying to sleep in while Jemma tries to wake me up? No. Instead I'm up at dark o'clock in the morning and going to a pool for some torture. I guess I like it. I like the people I swim with and I like the way it makes me feel.

30, 30, 20's (I was not feeling these. My arms were like dead weights.)
10 x 50 on :50, oh whoops, :55 (I was leading and tried doing 2 of these on :50 and quickly changed to :55)
8 x 125 - 100 fast, 25 sprint (boy that sounds fun) The goal was to do the 100 in 1:30 and the 25 in :20, and then rest. We ended up doing them on 2:10 with a master's discount at halfway.
8 x 100 kick IM on 1:00 (I need to work on my kicking, I'm so slow.)
6 x 100 pull on 1:45 (?)
Then we did a few drills.

During the 50s I started thinking, I miss open water swims. *shakes head* What who thought that. Yep, that's right, Miss I Will Never Do An Open Water Swim misses the open water. I'm looking forward to those swims next year. :-)

But 6am workout was not enough. At 10am I picked up Kris for a hike. My stamina is so much better! We headed up a switch-back trail, not too steep but still, and I trucked right up that trail. In the past I would have needed a break. Later, my energy dwindled and we had to take a few breaks when we had to make our way of a really, truly steep part of the trail.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend 2 workouts before 1pm, but I survived.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Yay! Sounds like a good day! It'll all pay off for your goals. You earned some rest tomorrow :)