Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6/24 - Ride 1:30 with 7 x 3min push, 3 min recovery

Or, something like that. I really need to learn to manage my time better. And, remember that there is traffic between work and my destination. *sigh* I had WW tonight so, I had to cut my workout by 30 minutes. I parked by Lake Almaden and rode down the Los Alamitos Creek trail and then south on McKean. Is it always windy on McKean? Of, the two times I have ridden on it there has been a nasty headwind going south. It's hard to recover when you are fighting the wind. And, why can you feel a head 100 times more than you can feel a tailwind? The ride on McKean was a little un-nerving this afternoon. There were more cars than Saturday morning and not much shoulder. Most of the drivers gave me plenty of room but one or two felt a little too close. I think I will save it for weekend mornings.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Wow, it's nice if you had a headwind going south (means you had a tailwind going home) - usually it's the opposite! Good job :)